Sunday, December 12, 2010

American Idiot

Every Friday night at our FEK meetings, someone gives a speech. The STINTers, Luke, Mandi, and I, had the privilege of being in charge of one of the Friday night meetings. So, we took this opportunity to do something crazy!!!!

We wrote a song to American Idiot by Green Day, which made fun of Americans and how they act in foreign countries. Also, we all dressed up like punk rockers, and somehow my hair was able to style into a mohawk!!

The night was a success!!! We made fools of ourselves, tons of students came, and they got to hear the gospel!!! ROCK ON!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Let's Start at the Very Beginning

Today marks the day of my third month in Budapest! Let's start at the very beginning...

After settling in and learning the in's and out's of the city, Mandi, Liz, Luke, and I set our for our first STINT adventure. Before arriving to Budapest, our apartment had been completely furnished, but the mattresses had not yet arrived. So...after sleeping on the floor for a few weeks and a new hunched posture, we decided to set out on an adventure and find us some mattresses! Mandi knew of some mattresses that were being stored in someones garage, but the problem was they lived about 40 minutes away and we did not have a car. With positivity in mind, we ventured out to find the mattresses. Here is an account of our adventure...

Although I doubted all along the way, Mandi, Liz, Luke, and I successfully carried two mattresses, by bus, across the city of Budapest!!

My first ministry experience began about one week after I arrived in Budapest. We called these weeks BLITZ weeks! Blitz weeks consisted of two full weeks of talking in high schools all day long. Each day we would wake up early, go into english classes at high schools, introduce ourselves and talk about the state where we are from, play games, and then get into small groups and get to know the students. Our ultimate goal of the blit
z weeks was to tell the students about the outreach we would be having and our meetings that we have each week for high school students. During the second week of the two blitz there was a group of americans that came and helped us talk in the high schools. At the end of the two weeks we had an improv theatre outreach. Many many students came and although the whole thing was in hungarian I thought the improv was very funny! It was a fun first two weeks of ministry and it allowed me to get to know lots and lots and lots of students!!

More to come...

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Szeretem a Baratomat!

WOW!! Today is my ninth day in Hungary! I feel like I have been here forever, but it really has not been that long. This past week I finally began to get a taste of exactly what I will be doing over this next year in Hungary. Last week I got to experience my first Student Leadership meeting and high school team meeting. It was fun because I finally got to meet the whole team that I will be working with this year! Besides meetings I have been eating, eating, and oh yea eating!! The food is wonderful here!! They have everything from gyros, to fried dough with sour cream all over it, to cheese inside chocolate, to indian food! For the next two weeks, my team and I will be going into high schools and hanging out in classrooms. We are just trying to meet students and tell them all about our ministry here in Hungary!

Somehow over the past week and a half I have been in two places at once! My friends back home made a little poster of my face and have carried me to College Station and Warrenton. In College Station I got to see all of my friends, watch Janie dunk her Aggie ring WHOOP, and do some tricks on the trampoline! Right now my poster face is in Warrenton helping out Carrie and Heather work at Zapp Hall!!! My friends are wonderful and now I haven't missed out on anything cause my poster face is traveling around Texas!

Be praying for my team and our next two weeks! Pray that we would form relationships with the students and that we would be able to meet with them in the weeks to come!

"If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. By this my Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit and so prove to be my disciples." -John 15:7-8

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Hello Hungary!

Hello Hungary!! I will be spending the next year in seriously one of the most beautiful places in the world. Today was my fourth official day in Budapest! Over the last few days I have moved into my new apartment, tried to get to know the transportation system, eaten lots of good food, seen all of my old friends, met many new staff friends, broken my computer, seen some of the city, taken pictures, and read in my beloved hammock!! What more could I ask for? I have had a wonderful time over the past few days, but I am so so ready to begin my work here in Hungary. I am beyond excited to start meeting and talking with students! It has been interesting watching the students over the past few days and noticing that they need joy and that can only come from Christ. So I am pumped to start going out into the city and meeting young students and telling them about the joy and hope that they can have in Christ!

I miss everyone and I cannot wait to talk to all of ya'll soon!

Szeretlek (I love you),