Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Hello Hungary!

Hello Hungary!! I will be spending the next year in seriously one of the most beautiful places in the world. Today was my fourth official day in Budapest! Over the last few days I have moved into my new apartment, tried to get to know the transportation system, eaten lots of good food, seen all of my old friends, met many new staff friends, broken my computer, seen some of the city, taken pictures, and read in my beloved hammock!! What more could I ask for? I have had a wonderful time over the past few days, but I am so so ready to begin my work here in Hungary. I am beyond excited to start meeting and talking with students! It has been interesting watching the students over the past few days and noticing that they need joy and that can only come from Christ. So I am pumped to start going out into the city and meeting young students and telling them about the joy and hope that they can have in Christ!

I miss everyone and I cannot wait to talk to all of ya'll soon!

Szeretlek (I love you),


  1. SOOO EXCITING!!! Your blog is beautiful! And the title is real good :) I am so excited to hear about your building relationships with the students and sharing Christ with them and YUMMOOOO for the good food! You will have to keep us posted and post lots of pics :) Gig'em Budapest!!

  2. Love you Brittni!!! Cannot wait to hear how God uses you in Budapest!! I know that He will be proud:) Glad your computer is working now..

    I love you,

